1. Overview
  2. White Label App
  3. Create your own content - Add content, articles and videos

Create your own content - Add content, articles and videos

Your own coaching and learning content is structured in 3 dimensions

Level 1 Your white-label Program Which is the initial coach-code that you create for your brand
Level 2 Your Programs A 'Program' can be equivalent to the title of a book or reflect a group of learning themes of your brand/organization.
E.g. "Leadership", or "Productivity"
Level 3 Your Quests A 'Quest' can be equivalent to a chapter of a book or reflect a main learning section of training program. E.g. "Delegation", or "Time-Management"
Level 4 Your Content This are the learning articles, videos, images and any knowledge that you make available to your audiences. Those content items can be assigned to multiple Quests.
Level 5 Your Bot Questions For each Quest, you can design your own very specific coaching questions.
! The following features require a Creator-Account !
! To start creating new Programs, Quests and Content you need to add first a Brand-code for your subdomain !

Adding Content

Content is added as articles. To create articles, go to 'Articles & Videos', choose the Program, then choose the Quest and there you will find the button: 'Create Article'.
A new empty card will be created titled 'A NEW ARTICLE TITLE'.


Editing Content / Editing an Article

To be published, every article requires a title, a sub-title and and main body text.

Also when linking a video, it is necessary to add an article with a title, a sub-title and and main body text. 

max. 40 characters, Capitalized Title

Make it catchy with a few words.


max. 80 characters, capitalized, no punctuation

Describe what is covered in the article.

Article Rich Text Editor

Add a text to the conversation. This text will be used by the AI to index the article with AI and to create key summaries.

Published in the app

Make the article available to your audience

Access without subscription

Make the article fully readable also for users who do not have a subscription but are testing the app


Images, Audio and Video

While images are uploaded and stored locally, you cannot upload videos directly. Instead you link them from your video service providers as Youtube, Vimeo or AWS for example.



This image is used to highlight the article

Min. 600px width, JPG or GIF, max. 700kb

It's recommended to not to add text as this image is rather a visual.


Support-Image for Article


This can be any informative image with text as for example a Infographic.

Min. 600px width, JPG or GIF, max. 700kb



Video or Audio

Add the link to your video

  1. Youtube ID
  2. MP4 Stream URL (e.g. on AWS)
  3. Vimeo URL


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